About 12Hours
The war against Rhino poaching is not new and the battle intensifies every day. We have all seen the facts, the figures and the heart wrenching images, yet the killing persists. Rhino deaths are increasing. The Rhino poaching problem has been front page news for a long time now and there is still a huge amount of hard work ahead of us if we want to achieve success in this international disaster.
The concept for 12Hours was born out of the shocking fact that Rhinos are being poached at a current rate of 1 every 12 hours. As people become increasingly frustrated and disheartened by the lack of results, 12Hours believes a different and refreshing approach is needed in both raising funds, and what the funds are actually used for. It is with this in mind that we have decided to use donor funds for specific projects that we aim to see through to completion.
We aspire to support new ideas and technologies that are viable and effective with the promise of tangible results. Most conservation and Rhino protection initiatives will fail unless there is public involvement and a sustained and constant flow of funds to support them. At 12Hours we are committed to achieving this result.
Amazulu K9 Unit:Our dedicated K9 unit, AmazuluK9, plays a crucial role in patrolling the vast 50,000-hectare reserve. With their exceptional tracking skills, the unit hassignificantly contributed to the reduction of poaching incidents. Continuous funding and support are essential for the unit’seffectiveness and sustainability.
Our vision is a world where wildlife is respected and protected for its intrinsic value and not exploited as a commodity to satisfy man’s insatiable greed and cultural beliefs.
12Hours will drive the most efficient and innovative fundraising mechanisms available. We will use generated funds to finance projects, ideas and technologies that are viable and effective, produce tangible results and have a positive impact in wildlife protection.
12Hours is a registered non-profit organisation (121-310 NPO) and an approved SARS Public Benefit Organisation No. 930045075 (tax exempt, Section 18A). Furthermore we have been recognised as an important Rhino protection group by the Department of Environmental Affairs.
12Hour Card Campaign:
What can you do in the next 12 hours to help save our Rhinos?
12Hour cards are being distributed to the public. The approach is simple, SMS and donate R25. Influence one other person to do the same and pass the card on every 12 hours. Be part of this first-of-its-kind viral awareness campaign.
SMS Supporters: 3141
SMS Target: 1 000 000
To find out more about this campaign, please get in contact with us.
At the heart of 12Hours is a passionate team of two members, Greg Patrick and Bruce Darne. Two friends from very different career backgrounds who share a common belief in trying to save our rhinos.
“I have spent the last 12 years of my life in the safari tourism industry as a walking guide, trainer and lodge manager. I have worked in South Africa, Zambia, Gabon, Tanzania and Mozambique as well as a short stint in Cape Town where I set up a Green consulting and supply company. Having had the privilege of walking alongside Rhinos in my career, I understand fully the ecological and emotional importance of saving these magnificent and peaceful creatures.”
– Greg Patrick
“I have spent the last 15 years establishing myself in the marketing industry as a call centre and Internet entrepreneur. Based in Cape Town, I have also successfully developed and implemented multiple NPO specific strategies that have provided sustainable revenue streams for various charities in South Africa. With a high interest and passion for South Africa’s rhinos, it was a natural progression for me to come up with the concept for 12Hours, and now I plan to devote my time and experience to saving these iconic animals.”
– Bruce Darne